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Welcome to the website of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute!
Current events
Archive events
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the 10th MÉB Combustion Conference on 29th November 2024 at BME Building D (1111 Budapest, Bertalan Lajos utca 4-6.) room D224. The website of the conference.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute hold a meeting 29th November 2024 at BME Building D (1111 Budapest, Bertalan Lajos utca 4-6.) room D218.
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute hold a general meeting on 28th May 2024 at 15:30 at the big lecture hall of HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences (1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok krt. 2.).
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute hold a meeting 28th May 2024 at the big lecture hall of HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences (1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok krt. 2.).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the 9th MÉB Combustion Conference on 24th November 2023 at HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry small lecture hall (1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.). The website of the conference.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute hold a meeting 24th November 2023 at HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry small lecture hall (1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute hold a general meeting on 24th May 2023 at 16:20 at room 065 ELTE Kémiai Épület (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.).
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a meeting 24th May 2023 at 16:00 at room 062 ELTE Kémiai Épület (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute together with the Subcommittee on Internal Combustion Heat Engines, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Committee on Fluid Power and Thermal Engineerin organized a meeting on 14th December 2022 at the Széchenyi István University, Department of Internal Combustion Engines and Propulsion Technology (9023 Győr, Egyetem tér 1.). The program of the meeting.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held an online meeting 13th November 2022 at 18:30.
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the 8th MÉB Combustion Conference on 11th November 2022 at ELTE Lágymányosi Campus South Building 1-820 Hajós György lecture hall (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C.). The website of the conference.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a meeting 11th November 2022 at ELTE Lágymányosi Campus South Building 1-820 Hajós György lecture hall (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C.).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a general meeting on 23th May 2022 at 16:00 at room 062 ELTE Kémiai Épület (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.).
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a meeting 23th May 2022 at 15:30 at room 062 ELTE Kémiai Épület (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the 7th MÉB Combustion Conference on 3rd December 2021 online. The website of the conference.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a meeting on 3rd December 2021 8:30AM ONLINE.
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a general meeting on 7th June 2021 at 12:00 ONLINE.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a meeting on 7th June 2021 at 11:30 ONLINE.
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a general meeting on 25th September 2020 at 14:00 at the Egyetemisták Parkja (community park between the ELTE Chemistry Building and the tram stop of tram 4-6.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a meeting on 25th September 2020 at 13:30 at the Egyetemisták Parkja (community park between the ELTE Chemistry Building and the tram stop of tram 4-6.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a meeting on 24th August 2020 at University of Miskolc (Miskolc, Egyetemváros 1. C/2 6. hajó START UP központ).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the 6th MÉB Combustion Conference on 24th August 2020 at University of Miskolc (Miskolc, Egyetemváros 1. C/2 6. hajó START UP központ). The website of the conference.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute had a meeting on 29th November 2019 at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest, BME Building D).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the 5th MÉB Combustion Conference on 29th November 2019 at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest, BME Building D). The website of the conference.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute had a meeting on 27th May 2019 at ELTE Chemistry Building 062 lecture hall (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a general meeting on 27th May 2019 at ELTE Chemistry Building 062 lecture hall (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the 4th MÉB Combustion Conference on 10th November 2018 at University of Miskolc (Miskolc, Egyetemváros). The website of the conference.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute had a meeting on 10th November 2018 at University of Miskolc (Miskolc, Egyetemváros).
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute had a meeting on 4th May 2018 at ELTE MTA TTK (1117 Budapest Magyar Tudósok krt. 2.).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a general meeting on 4th May 2018 at ELTE MTA TTK (1117 Budapest Magyar Tudósok krt. 2.).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the 3rd MÉB Combustion Conference on 17th November 2017. The website of the conference.
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute had a meeting on 17th November 2017 at BME building "D" (1111 Bp. Bertalan Lajos u. 4-6.).
The management commitee of the Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute had a meeting on 12th April 2017 at ELTE Institute of Chemistry (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A).
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a general meeting on 12th April 2017 at ELTE Institute of Chemistry (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A).
Annual report for 2016 can be read here.
The Hungarian Section of the Combubstion Institute organized the COST Training School on the Analysis of Combustion Mechanisms (4-7 July, 2016) Budapest, Hungary.
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a general meeting on 8th March 2016 at ELTE Institute of Chemistry (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A).
Annual report for 2014 can be read here.
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute held a general meeting on 7th May 2015 at the ELTE (1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.)
The invitation letter can be read here.
The general meeting was connected with a poster conference. The list of posters can be read here.
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the 1st MÉB Combustion Conference on 28th October 2014. The website of the conference.
Section report for years 2012-2014.
The program of the section meeting on 12th March 2014 in Budapest.
The program of the section meeting on 26th November 2013 in Budapest.
Section report for years 2010-2012.
The program of the section meeting on 2nd December 2011 in Miskolc.
The program of the section meeting on 9th June 2011 in Budapest.
Section report for years 2008-2010.
The Hungarian Section of the Combustion Institute organized the Austrian-Croatian-Hungarian Combubstion Conference (HCM2008) on 3rd October 2008.
The program of the section meeting on 20th April 2007 in Budapest.
Section report for years 2004-2006.
The program of the HCM2006 conference in Szeged at 6th October 2006.
The program of the section meeting on 14th April 2006 in Sopron.
The program of the section meeting on 11th November 2006 in Miskolc.
The program of the section meeting on 6th May 2006 in Gödöllő.
Section report for years 1999-2004.
The program of the section meeting on 17th December 2004 in Budapest.